πŸŒΏπŸƒ A Touch of Green

The last bit of summer sun through my kitchen windows. It was phenomenal that took my breath away for a second before I could even think of grabbing my camera to capture it. I was absolutely stunned.
A Touch of Green is a small project that I had always wanted to do but been procrastinating at because I was not innately good at - growing indoor plants. I've heard so many times that a few indoor plants were pretty easy to take care of with very low maintenance but I was still afraid of 'killing' them for improper care. Too little or too much water could cause their death, some need sun and the other do the opposite and so on. How complicated it sounds, until 1 day when I could sum up all of my determination. I now have a little green corner which turns to be one of the best decisions I've ever made.

Top left - bottom left: Pothos, Burro's Tail, Money Plant, Arrow Head
Top right - bottom right: Dieffenbachia maculata 'Camille',  Aloe Vera, and...a candle jar...

English Ivy

After a few quick research of different types of plants as well as a visit to my mother-in-law, these are the final candidates I collected. I love plant vines !! I just love how beautifully unorganized they are across their surroundings. They're an ideal choice for me as they will add more green into the area in the future so I won't have to buy extra plants to fill the space (yass, speaking of cost saving). I can even modify their path to make the whole set look balanced the way I want. Pothos and Ivy are the easiest climbing vines as they don't need direct sunlight (perfect for Seattle weather), and don't require much watering as long as the soil is moist enough.

Next is aloe vera. In contrast of vines, aloe vera looks clean, neat and tough. Yet, their amazing benefits make them a very 'sweet' plant as they definitely are able to soothe your body from head to toes. Aloe vera is also super easy to take care of because they don't need much water and attention, they thrive on neglect and best in summer. However, summer is a 'fancy' season in Seattle as we 'love' rain so much, so aloe vera pups are better choice than the adult ones.

There are still a lot other plants for your reference if you'd love to add a touch of green in your home as well. Here's the link for the major information I learnt

25 Indoor Plants You Can't Kill

Keep on researching if you want something different. It might be overwhelming with too much detail but hey, don't hesitate to bring them home regardless, they're fun to be around with.

If you're wondering where I got my crates at, they're from Jo-Ann. A big highlight here is do make sure to check the price online because their pricing can be discrepant sometimes. I found their price online at $8.99 (on sale from $12.99) but they were $9.99 in-store. I'm glad I checked in advance so the staff were happy to match the price for me. Win !! I guess I'll do the same thing at any other stores from now. Technology can be so sketchy sometimes.

Wood Crates - JoAnn

Anyway, I definitely in love with the new look of my entry room, it becomes more lively than ever. It's fun to play around with the layout and most importantly, seasonality doesn't matter, we can change the house decor but 'a touch of green' should always remains same :)

I know right !! Who doesn't get excited for Christmas though it's just September !!

Another layout - the best thing of using stackable crates is the flexibility they allow you to change your layout.

Let me know what plants are you planting or about to after this post.

Krafty LuπŸ€


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